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Dog Walker Essentials

Writer's picture: Jayme SpicciatieJayme Spicciatie

Over the years, I have learned a few key items to always have on me or nearby in my car. Here is my list of essential items.

  • Poop Bags - I always carry extra poop bags in my pocket; some of my doggos have bags on their leashes, but I hate getting stuck bagless! A. it's gross and not nice to our neighbors B. God forbid someone sees you leave a poo; you'll be berated and torn to pieces on the neighborhood FB page. (PS: I had ventured back to pick up poo later in the day when I did get stuck once without a poop bag) - IT HAPPENS!

  • PetSafe® SprayShield® Animal Deterrent Spray - When my Lady girl was still a puppy, we went on a walk, and another dog off leash ran out from a garage and bit Lady. Needless to say, Lady was fine, with a minor surface wound, but I was traumatized that this happened to my baby. I now carry Deterrent Spray. It does not harm the aggressive dog, but it stuns them and hopefully stops them (I have not had to use this yet). I have had other loose dogs come over to me and my leashed dogs - I've learned to scream and flail my arms to scare the curious unleashed dog (just in case they did become agitated). The owner usually came over quickly to bring their unleashed dog back home. I highly recommend carrying PetSafe® SprayShield®. I purchased mine @PetsuppliesplusGarwood.

  • Cell Phone - I always carry my cell phone in an emergency. It lists all my pet parents and their saved questionnaires with their vet information. I also have used my cellphone to take photos or videos of my doggos if I notice them behaving or walking unusually. Side note, I have taken photos of poop and vomit that didn't look right - haha - yes, strange and gross, but very useful for a veterinarian if a dog is sick.

  • Training Treats - almost always in my pocket... dog treats for all my pupper-doos. Sometimes, I use them to keep my pup moving, and other times, I use them as a reward after our walks. Either way, all my fur babies are good dogs who receive treats.

  • First Aid Kit - I carry a Pet Featured First Aid Kit in the trunk of my car (which might be able to be used on a person, too); I'm happy to report I have never had to use an item from here and I hope I never have to in the future. It consists of:

    • Rubber Gloves

    • Hand Sanitizer

    • Hydrogen Peroxide and pepcid- to induce vomiting

    • Benadryl - for allergic reaction

    • Muzzle (mine is a 3-inch thick soft felt fabric) - I can use this or a leash, towel, etc, in the event of an emergency to muzzle the dog and prevent myself or someone else from getting bit. Even the friendliest of Dogs will bite if injured or in distress. It can also be used as a tourniquet.

    • Bandana/towel - to use as a tourniquet, to hold a bandage on, or to dry off a dirty dog

    • Gauze pads, sanitary napkins, medical tape, and petroleum jelly

    • Turkey baster - suction device if something gets stuck in a dog's throat

    • Spare Lead - to hold a stray dog

  • Seasonal Items

    • Water & shallow Tupperware for a dog bowl in the summer

    • Hand warmers

    • Hat, sunglasses, sunscreen (Human and dog), etc.

That just about wraps it up!


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